
Casting is the process of smelting metal into a liquid that meets certain requirements and pouring it into a mold, cooling and solidifying, and cleaning to obtain a casting with a predetermined shape, size and performance. Casting is one of the basic processes of modern machinery manufacturing industry.

After more than 10 years of precipitation, minghe has very professional technology in casting technology. A professional team will solve your problems, not only enjoy the service of professional skills, but also the price is very competitive.

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Sand Casting

Sand casting, the most widely used casting process, utilizes expendable sand molds to form complex metal parts that can be made from almost any alloy.

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Iron Casting

Cast iron is one of the oldest casting methods in the world. Cast iron is melted and poured into molds or castings to make part of a product of the desired size and shape.

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Steel Casting

Steel casting is a form of casting involving different steel grades. Cast steel can be used when cast iron does not provide the required level of strength.

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Investment Casting

Investment casting gets its name because the process involves covering a wax pattern with a refractory material to form a mold, and pouring the molten material into the mold.

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